VCFS COMMISSIONING        Appendix 1    
INFRASTRUCTURE Lancaster District CVS Infrasturcture support service to VCFS organisations on a one-to-one basis as well as group training including governance, policies, accounting, financing, funding and strategic planning. Initiating and supporting networking and knowledge exchange, which enhances their effectiveness, resilience and capacity to deliver important services. Includes social enterprise support element through Latticeworks Green Green Green 20,000  
  Infrastructure sub-total 20,000  
ADVICE AND INFORMATION North Lancs CAB General advice and information service (including signposting) on areas including welfare reforms, benefits and tax credits, debt, housing, employment, health and community care Green Green Green 165,000  
One Voice (Independent Me) Independent Me. Joint bid from 10 organisations to provide advice on disability, carer, health and LGBT issues.  Green Green Green 14,000  
Age UK Lancashire Information and advice for older people on areas including welfare reforms, benefits and access to health services/ community care Green Green Green 7,000  
Victim Support Specialist advice and information to victims of crime, witnessess (and family/friends affected), to help them deal with personal and social issues resulting from their ordeal Green Green Green 5,000  
LESS Advice and information service around tackling fuel poverty and associated health issues through considerations on fuel bills, (switching) tarrifs, and energy saving advice through home energy surveys Green Green Green 4,000  
Samaritans Specialist advice and information for those in crisis, accessible twenty four hours a day, seven days a week Green Green Green 2,000  
    Advice and Information sub-total 197,000  
VOLUNTEERING Lancaster District CVS Single tender inviovted following One Lancashire procurement of volunteer co-ordinaion services in the Lancaster district. Includes volunteer recruitment; entry level training; volunteer co-ordination; quality standards; management of information; monitoring and evaluation Green Green Green 15,500  
  Volunteering sub-total 15,500  
SMALL GRANTS TBC Process of allocating this funding to be detailed later in 2013 n/a n/a n/a 12,500  
    Small Grants sub-total 12,500